Archive for the 'Carnival of Mobilists' Category

Joe Pemberton

Carnival of the Mobilists No. 65

This week’s Carnival features Jared’s “Mobile Presence: The Essential Attributes” piece. The rest of the synopsis are up at Golden Swamp.

Joe Pemberton

Carnival of the Mobilists, No. 59

The Carnival of Mobilists, week no. 59 is at Xellular Identity. Enjoy some post-Apple blogging.

Three quick highlights (but be sure to read the other synopses): Wapreview discusses Mobitopia, a ( link sharing site for mobile that I’m personally keen to try). And, Darla Mack gives a thumbs up to threaded SMS. Ooh, and I can’t resist another: Mobile Opportunity speculates about why Jobs won’t allow 3rd party developers in on the iPhone fun.