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June 05, 2008

Intelliscreen Puts iPhone Idle Screen to Work

Posted in: Observations

It’s fitting that the name of this blog is in reference to this very idea — that users would benefit from at-a-glance information at the idle screen that doesn’t require interaction. The iPhone’s default UI makes no real attempt at putting the idle screen to use.

If you’re like me (and I recognize many folks aren’t) you like the idea of having quick summary info at the top level of your iPhone experience. In other words, you’re way too lazy to go through several siloed applications just to find out what the weather is like and when your next meeting is. You want that stuff at a glance. This widget proposes to give you that at-a-glance look from the idle screen of your (jail-broken) iPhone.

Kudos to Intelliscreen for making it happen.

Get Intelliscreen’s iPhone Widget at ModMyiFone

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