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Ars Technica Misses The Point!
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September 30, 2008

Flash On The iPhone?
Ars Technica Misses The Point!

Posted in: Observations

Adobe has a Flash player for the iPhone. Adobe has been calling on Apple to enable the Flash player on the iPhone for months. Ars Technica’s Apple blog shows their inability to pay attention when they reduce the promise of Flash for mobile as the ability to have “rollerskating dogs and seizure-inducing banner ads” on your mobile. Ars Technica missed the point!

Flash is a threat to the App store. Apple knows that Flash on the iPhone (whether it’s a Safari plugin or a standalone player application) would empower independent developers to break out of the App store model and sidestep Apple’s SDK. In the wrong hands — tongue in cheek here — it could allow people to create their own storefront or content “channels” on the iPhone. That “threat” is much greater than blinking banner ads and animated skip intros.

Finally, if Apple were to allow Flash as a Safari plugin for iPhone, all the Flash player would compete with would be the so-called “web app” category — web browser based sites and online tools. As we’ve observed from the web application landscape, this seems to have little to Apple’s app store.

Read Ars Technica’s piece Adobe Begs Apple to Allow Flash on the iPhone, Again

Read the announcement from Flash Magazine the Flash on the Beach conference in Brighton England.

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